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We are placing the partners in different domains

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Cutting Age  IT Skills serving the various Domains

  1. Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications.

  2. Docker: A platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers.

  3. Terraform: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently.

  4. Ansible: A configuration management tool used for application deployment, task automation, and IT orchestration.

  5. Jenkins: An open-source automation server used for building, testing, and deploying software.

  6. GitLab: A web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides Git repository management, CI/CD pipelines, and collaboration features.

  7. Grafana: An open-source analytics and monitoring platform used for visualizing time-series data.

  8. Prometheus: An open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability.

  9. Elasticsearch: A distributed search and analytics engine used for log aggregation, full-text search, and analytics.

  10. Kibana: An open-source data visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch used for log and time-series analytics.

  11. Jira: A project management and issue tracking tool used by agile teams for software development.

  12. Confluence: A collaboration and documentation tool used for creating, sharing, and collaborating on content.

  13. Splunk: A platform for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data, including logs and metrics.

  14. AWS Lambda: A serverless computing service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers.

  15. Microsoft Azure DevOps: A set of development tools, including Azure Pipelines, Boards, Repos, Test Plans, and Artifacts, for CI/CD, version control, project management, and more.

  16. Selenium: An open-source tool for automating web browsers, primarily used for testing web applications.

  17. Puppet: A configuration management tool used for deploying, configuring, and managing servers.

  18. Chef: A configuration management tool for automating infrastructure deployment, configuration, and management.

  19. Apache Kafka: An open-source distributed event streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications.

  20. HashiCorp Vault: A tool for managing secrets and protecting sensitive data across dynamic infrastructure.

  21. HashiCorp Consul: A tool for service discovery, configuration, and segmentation in modern, dynamic infrastructure environments.

  22. SaltStack: A configuration management and automation tool used for infrastructure provisioning, configuration, and orchestration.

  23. New Relic: A monitoring and observability platform used for application performance management and infrastructure monitoring.

  24. Datadog: A monitoring and analytics platform for cloud-scale applications, providing full-stack observability.

  25. GitHub Actions: A CI/CD workflow automation tool built into GitHub that allows you to automate your software development workflows.

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